Adult Faith Formation
Faith formation is a lifelong journey. BSLC education programs include study, discussions on topics relevant in our daily lives, guest speakers, and fellowship.
Growing faith practices in relationship with others nurtures both individuals’ spiritual health and the vitality of the congregation as a faith community. There is always room to expand what may be offered so if your creative or questioning energy is prompting you to get something new going, don’t hesitate to bring it up and get it moving forward!
Currently the following studies are offered, with others added as interest sparks them!
Year Around:
Gather – a women’s Bible study on Thursdays, 10:00 AM, in person, using materials from Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
Anti-Racism Book Study – Sept-May 3:00 Sundays; June-August, monthly or twice monthly meetings (contact the BSLC office or sign up for the weekly e-blast to learn actual dates: or call 360-254)
Program Year (Sept - May):
Bible Study via Zoom at 10:30 AM – link available from Pastor Jean ( with occasional lunch meet-ups for in person socializing beginning fall 2023
Occasional forums, learning events, and other faith formation activities are offered throughout the year.
Ideas under consideration include:
A conversation group about faith and life, with book or not, possibly in a pub or other public gathering place; Wed evening Bible or book study; spiritual formation group.
Are you the future leader, facilitator, or convener of one of these or a yet unimagined joining of people in mutual faith formation? Someone of strong interest but not yet ready for a leading role? Don’t hesitate to share ideas you are intrigued to explore either in leading role or active participant. PJ is eager to hear from you!