Blood Drive
Friday, June 2nd, 1-6:30pm
FAQs About Blood Drives at Beautiful Savior:
Q - How long have we been hosting Blood Drives?
A - Beautiful Savior has hosted 69 Red Cross Blood Drives since 2006! In that time over 1,700 units of blood have been collected. Each unit (approximately 1 pint) of whole blood can potentially help three patients in a trauma, surgery, or other dire situation!
Q - How do I know if I'm eligible to donate?
A - Generally speaking, if you are healthy and age 17 or older (16 with parental consent) you can donate, and there is no upper age limit! Whole blood donations can happen as often as every 8 weeks, with some differences for Power Red, Plasma and Platelet donations.
Q - How can I find out more about donating blood?
A - Download the App to your phone, or go to to learn more. With the app you'll be able to find blood drives, schedule or change your appointment, track your donations and so much more! There is a wealth of information there to answer all of your questions, including stories of how peoples' lives have been impacted. Just an hour of your time can make a life-giving difference to someone.
Call or text Sue Nolan (360) 903-1644 for more information or to make an appointment. Thank you!
