Greetings to my friends in Christ at BSLC!
So much has been happening and this has been a very busy year for our council. I
wanted to let you know about what issues we have been dealing with and how you can
help. An important item I want to bring to your attention is our financial concerns. Each
month when the council meets, we notice how much further behind we are with
donations compared with the 2022 budget. We have managed to save funds by not
hiring another Youth Director and the office has done a great job of managing costs of
The Financial Committee is presently working on a proposed budget for 2023. It is quite
a challenge! Please be aware that we do have overhead costs that are necessary to
keep our doors open. The proposed budget will be voted on for approval at our
November 6, Congregational Meeting. Please evaluate your giving and other ways you
can help BSLC grow in ministry. And also, pray for the Finance Committee as they work
to develop a viable, working budget for 2023.
There are several council members whose terms will be over at the end of the year. We
are beginning the process of identifying five-six new members (we may have up to 13
members plus the pastor). If you are asked or feel you can contribute, please let Pastor
Jean or me know your interest. Council meets once each month and works with the
pastor to coordinate the processes of the congregation. This year, we have been
meeting on the third Sunday, right after the service because of some members
work schedules. There is a constitution and bylaws that direct our procedures. Council
members are also voted into office at the November Congregational meeting for a two
year term.
Other partners in ministry are also needed. Readers, flower providers, assisting
ministers, teachers, counters, committee members and many other roles provide
opportunities for you to help our congregation be active and successful. Social Ministry
Committee, the Endowment Committee, and the Finance Committee are needed areas.
God wants us to be active and sharing our faith with others!
It is exciting to see that we are getting started on upgrading our building to maintain
what we have. As you probably are aware, work on residing is beginning. Soon we will
ask for your input as we choose a new color for the outside which hopefully will express
a presence on Mill Plain. The property committee has been such a help with all of this
and we appreciate the vote of confidence from you all to move funds from a building
fund to a maintenance fund.
We have been so appreciative of Pastor Jean and all that she has done to try to keep
BSLC a viable, faith-filled congregation of believers through the trying times of COVID
and getting back up and running again now that it is safer to do so. I learned from the
ELCA, that October has been designated “Pastor Appreciation Month” so this will be a
wonderful time to let her know that we see how much she has done. The council is
designating Sunday, October 23 as Appreciate Pastor Jean Day. We would like to
hold a reception after church. Cards and or small gifts will be welcome from members.
There will be a basket on the table. If there is someone who likes social planning and
would like to take this on as your ministry this month, please let me know.
As the congregation’s president, I have been challenged, but hopeful, about where our
congregation is going with Pastor Jean’s shepherding. It has been my pleasure to serve
as your council president during 2022. I will not be running for a second term, but know
I have other areas of interest and skills to share at BSLC. Thanks so much for your