From the Southwest Washington Synod:
This Suicide Prevention Month, we highlight the Suicide Prevention Ministry, whose mission is “to call on faith communities and equip them to reduce stigma, promote awareness, and provide training and resources to prevent suicide, and to help those who struggle with mental illness, their family, and their friends.” This ministry, based on the ELCA social message on suicide prevention, became a passion project for the late Jerry and Elsie Weyrauch after the suicide of their daughter Terri. Read more here about this vital ministry and what we can do to prevent suicide.
Crisis Resources from NAME (the National Alliance on Mental Illness):
If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, call or text 988 immediately.
If you are uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can chat the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at
You can also text NAMI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line.
Know the Warning Signs and Risk Factors of Suicide
Being Prepared for a Crisis
Read our guide, "Navigating a Mental Health Crisis"
What You Need to Know About Youth Suicide
Need more information, referrals or support? Contact the NAMI HelpLine.