The opening Wednesday Night at BSLC dinner provided by Bill S. was delicious
and it was great to see folk coming together around tables for shared food and
conversation! Many of the folk taking advantage of not having to brown bag it,
or make their own dinner were involved in the various activities of the night,
and some came just for dinner. Even though for some youth and adults involved
in several of the evening’s activities, for whom the conversation window was
brief, it is clearly a gift for them to be able to eat a warm, nutritious dinner so
they had the energy to participate in all they are doing!
Thank you Bill S, for kicking off this season by providing yummy food and
encouragement for the rest of us to gather! And thank you to the others who
helped set up and clean up! (Kathy, Josiah, and Bev – yes, you were all spied
and appreciated for doing that work – thank you!)
The next Wednesday Night at BSLC Dinner is set for Oct 18, 2023 . Please
RSVP by emailing or calling (360-254-9243)
the church office. While you could decide at the last minute that you want to
participate, it helps plan how much to make if the cook(s) have some idea of
how many people they are preparing to serve!
Please note: combining forces (i.e., a group, household, or individual
volunteering to cook or organize a meal; set up; clean up; …) will help to ensure
the meals continue. Please let Bill or Jill (church office) know how you are
willing to contribute to their success!