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Anti Racism Study & Conversation Group reading "The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy and the Path to a Shared American Future"


Following George Floyd's death in 2020, several members of BSLC felt a compelling urge to do something so that race did not prevent people from receiving basic human rights and respect. Since then a varying group of people have read a number of anti-racist books together. We have settled on a process of reading small sections of the book and discussing it over zoom for an hour on Sundays.

Each person who has participated, regardless of their knowledge, has found it illuminating - and at times shocking. We all wish we had known much more earlier in our lives. Some of the books have also given us ways to individually or collectively do something to reduce racism at the individual and systemic level. Most participants have busy lives and periodically miss discussions so don't let your scheduling conflicts prevent you from participating.

If you are feeling a call to know and do more to promote justice please consider joining us for our next discussion on The Hidden Roots of White Supremacy and the Path to a Shared American Future by Robert P Jones. Jones is a leading scholar and commentator on religion, culture, and politics, who cares deeply about the Christian response to injustice. We would love to have your experiences, opinions, and questions be part of this discussion. Our first book conversation will be on Sunday, 1/7 from 3 - 4pm. Contact Sonja or Pastor Jean for the zoom link.

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