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Share your perspecives on land proposal and worship services
Siblings in Christ, This is your opportunity to weigh in about “what next” without attending an extra meeting to do so! Please share...

Trunk or Treat October 29
Get ready for Trunk or Treat Saturday, October 29 from 2-4pm at Beautiful Savior! The event will feature a haunted house and will be...
Pastor's Ponderings: A season of exploration and adventure
As we are beginning a new program year, faces not seen in recent years bring delight with their presence, as do as the guests we continue...
A note from Mariellen
Dear People of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, On September 23, I celebrated my 29th anniversary as BSLC’s Church Administrator. I...
October Council update
Greetings to my friends in Christ at BSLC! So much has been happening and this has been a very busy year for our council. I wanted to let...
Lutheran Disaster response support needed
From Lutheran Disaster Response: “Trust in [God] at all times, O people; pour out your heart before [God]; God is a refuge for us” (Psalm...
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
From the Southwest Washington Synod: This Suicide Prevention Month, we highlight the Suicide Prevention Ministry, whose mission is “to...
Grapevine Newsletter-September 2022
Pastor’s Ponderings Siblings in Christ, how fast upon us has come this new program year! A new program year always seems to bring with it...
Opportunity to Consider Affordable Housing for Seniors
BSLC has received a proposal asking us to consider selling some of BSLC’s property so that affordable housing for seniors could be built...
Confirmation Classes begin Sept. 14
Confirmation Classes will begin Wednesday Sept. 14 at 6:30 until 7:45. Confirmation is a three year time for youth sixth grade and older,...
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