Join Restoration Crew in restoring Behrens Woods
As an ongoing effort to be mindful of our Mother Earth’s care, BSLC has the opportunity to serve our neighborhood alongside the Behrens...
Join Restoration Crew in restoring Behrens Woods
You are invited to help with giving tree donations
Pastor’s Ponderings – December 2022
Consider whether you or your family might be one of the voices heard during candle lighting
Can you help provide meals for winter shelter?
Annual meeting after worship 11/6/22
Share your perspecives on land proposal and worship services
Trunk or Treat October 29
Pastor's Ponderings: A season of exploration and adventure
A note from Mariellen
October Council update
Lutheran Disaster response support needed
September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month
Grapevine Newsletter-September 2022
Opportunity to Consider Affordable Housing for Seniors
Confirmation Classes begin Sept. 14